 This is Ann and Mary a sister that she did not know she had. This story is written so that people may know that no matter what curves are presented by life, what tragedies are faced, what obstacles are encountered, that you can come out a winner. Life does not control us no matter how hard it tries. The Love of God guides us with His strength so that His presence in our lives show through no matter what is faced in life. Ann has asked me to present events of her life for others to read. I think she has faced just about every challenge that may be tossed in one's path. Some will be difficult to read about. Some will tear your heart out when you think that one has endured such. But above all, the light has shined that the Glory of God comes through. Was she always perfect? Did she always do everything right? Let's get real. But she did in her development acomplish that which we all strive for. So how did God make this mountain. Through the facility of words this explanation shall be attempted. |