Do you like Pork and Beans? Most every kid has eaten and enjoyed pork and beans. Ann told me that on the back of the picture she had the story behind the picture written. They had just enjoyed a meal of pork and beans. No wonder they are smiling then. They had fun eating the meal. But it was a little different from the way you and I usually eat. You see their mom had gotten mad at them for-- whatever-- it seemed that she did not need a reason to get mad. And had thrown the Pork and Beans on the floor for them to eat. She would tell them to get down and eat like the pigs they were. They did not let her destroy them no matter how hard she tried. They made a game out of eating off the floor. As you eat, ask God to bless those less fortunate than you are. And remember "all things work together for good to them that Love the Lord."  |